Register an Account with GloFox to Begin

No late fees. No class cancellation fees. Cancel up to last minute - get credit back. Be up to 5 minutes late before we lock the door. See Membership cancelation policy below. If you have questions about which membership is best for you, please scroll down for the “Pricing FAQ” list.

Objective Yoga. Transparent Business. Come As You Are.

  • All of our pricing is a la carte and we offer 3, 5, and 8 class packs. You can purchase as an initial trial and then continue to purchase bundles or you can become a member at any time (you do NOT have to purchase a bundle first)

  • If you think you will practice ~8 times/month or more, then it makes financial sense to be an Earth Member. We offer 8-Packs for $108, and they don't expire for 6 months. If you're able to make a monthly financial commitment of $87/month, then it makes sense to be an Earth Member and get 12 classes/month for $87. Most folks begin with an 8-Pack and test the schedule out for a few weeks before making a choice. You can continuously purchase 3, 5, or 8 packs as you use the credits up.

  • ...We do not do any of that.

    As long as you are signed up for class, we will wait 5 minutes after class begins to lock the door. If you do not make it, need to cancel last minute, or even if you no show - you will NOT be charged. You will get your credit BACK and CAN use it again. You do not need to call. We'd rather you have 55 minutes of yoga than none.

  • Yes. Gym Drop-Ins are $12. Yoga Drop-ins are $18. Bundles are valid for both gym and yoga classes. Upon purchase, you will be able to book any class on the schedule (not youth).

  • Upon purchase, your Earth Membership will allow you book 12 classes/month. Each month, your membership charge will re-occur and your 12 credits will renew. No credits will roll over.

  • We have Gym Night on Mondays and Thursdays at 6:15pm. This is an "open" gym time where we set up 4 station-like workouts that you can work through at your own pace. This is NOT a group fitness-style class where an instructor is leading you. You can also put your headphones in and do your own workout, complete physical therapy workouts, or use this time to work on your own goals. We do not currently have open gym hours for long blocks of time.

  • Absolutely not. Yikes.

    Your membership dues will be charges monthly, on the date of your first purchase. We can change this to match your other transactions if needed - just let us know by emailing

  • We offer one, 30-day pause every 12 months of your membership. During this pause, you are unable to book classes but also are not being charged anything due during that time. Once you communicate that your pause can be lifted, or the 30 days has expired, your membership fee will be charged and you will be able to book classes.

    If you need to cancel your membership, you can email and provide a written request to cancel. Any membership dues that are due within 30 days of written notice, are charged in full and 12 credits will remain on your account for 6 months. If you are unsatisfied in anyway, please communicate with us so we can discuss a refund.